Where can I buy hardware?
The official launch partner for OLE was Stellascapes. Please visit the Stellascapes website for purchasing options.
Currently you’d need to either build your own based on the open sourced designs or make one following the reference hardware design.
How is OLE Licensed?
The embedded code, including the Bootloader, is licensed under the LGPL. Supporting code like the unit-tests & the firmware utilities is licensed under the GPL. The Reference hardware designs are licensed under CC-BY-SA.
Why Yet-Another-DMX-Interface?
There were a couple of reasons:
- In the past we’ve had to rely on manufacturers to fix bugs and add features to their USB to DMX interfaces. The lack of signal timing information is one example of this, we’ve been asking for it for years.
- After 10 years of working with various USB to DMX interfaces, we’ve learnt a lot about what makes a good interface. Most interfaces on the market use a FTDI chip to appear as a serial port which limits how the USB host can communicate with the device. We took a different approach which provides greater control over the interface.
- With the release of OLE, there is now an Open Source solution for the entire lighting control stack, from the Console down to the DMX interface.
What is Ja Rule?
Ja Rule was the code name for the OLE project. OLE devices are still referred to in the code as JaRule devices.
Can I use OLE on a different series of Microcontroller?
Unlikely at this time. OLE uses part of Microchip’s Harmony framework including the USB Stack.