In this topic, you will learn how to install a python script to control a LED / RGB system via webcontrol (or other python script).
You need to have a fully functional ola system.
Install script
create a directory to store all these new functionnality
mkdir -p /srv/dmx/
write a this new python script in this folder :
nano /srv/dmx/server.py
#!/usr/bin/python import SocketServer import threading import time from ola_send_dmx import * my_thread = 0 my_command = 'start' actual_program = 'color' ## program wanted param1 = 'red' ## first param intensity = 100 ## current intensity actual_fixed_color = 0 ## if fixed color choice, put args here to remember (if having to change intensity) R_before = 0 # current color state G_before = 0 B_before = 0 pitch = 1 class MyTCPHandler(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler): """ The RequestHandler class for our server. It is instantiated once per connection to the server, and must override the handle() method to implement communication to the client. """ def handle(self): # self.request is the TCP socket connected to the client global my_thread self.data = self.request.recv(1024).strip() # was a test #if self.data == 'reset' : # global my_command # my_command = 'reset' #else : command = self.data.split() command = command[0] if command == 'intensity': # We separe intensity because should lauch in parallel another_thread = Thread_dmx(self.data) # thread named different for able controlling mythread another_thread.start() print "thread intensite lance" # just send back the same data, but upper-cased self.request.send(self.data.upper()) else: if my_thread != 0 : #if thread is already launched and is not about intensity try: my_thread.stop() #stop thread my_thread.join() #stop program to be sure thread is stopped except NameError: print "An error occured when trying to stop previous thread." print "launching thread " + self.data my_thread = Thread_dmx(self.data) my_thread.start() # just send back the same data to the client, but upper-cased self.request.send(self.data.upper()) class Thread_dmx(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, nom = ''): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.nom = nom self.Terminated = False def run(self): global actual_program global intensity global fixed_color ## separate command and arguments ## words = self.nom.split() if len(words) == 0: print('Error: empty request\n') return command = words[0] args = words[1:] methodname = 'do_' + command ## relauch sending DMX for fixed color, if intensity changed if command=='intensity': intensity = abs(int(args[0])) if intensity > 100: return if actual_program == 'fade': method = getattr(self, 'do_fade') method(*fixed_color) else: actual_program = command ## take care of inexistent function if not hasattr(self, methodname): print('Error: ',command,' is not a valid command') return ## save color if fixed color if command=='fade': fixed_color = args ## launch corresponding function method = getattr(self, methodname) method(*args) ## Stop the thread if called def stop(self): self.Terminated = True ## Go to specified DMX adresses from previous adresses in fade def do_fade(self,R_after,G_after,B_after,speed): global R_before global G_before global B_before global intensity R_after=int(round((int(R_after)*intensity)/100)) G_after=int(round((int(G_after)*intensity)/100)) B_after=int(round((int(B_after)*intensity)/100)) if(R_after==R_before and G_after==G_before and B_after==B_before): print('Etat deja atteint') return speed=float(speed) actual_intensity = intensity time_to_sleep=(speed/max(abs(R_before-R_after),abs(G_before-G_after),abs(B_before-B_after))) # count to know wich pitch to apply (processor free) speed_reference=float(0.01) print(time_to_sleep) pitch=int(speed_reference/time_to_sleep) print(pitch) if pitch == 0: pitch = int(1) print(pitch) ## while ending color are not reached or no order for stopping, increment data while (R_before-R_after!=0 or G_before-G_after!=0 or B_before-B_after!=0) and (not self.Terminated) : ## If intensity was changed, take care of this if actual_intensity != intensity: R_after=int(round((int(R_after)*intensity)/100)) G_after=int(round((int(G_after)*intensity)/100)) B_after=int(round((int(B_after)*intensity)/100)) actual_intensity = intensity R_diff=R_before-R_after G_diff=G_before-G_after B_diff=B_before-B_after if R_diff <= -pitch : R_before += pitch elif R_diff >= pitch : R_before-= pitch else : R_before = R_after if G_diff <= -pitch : G_before += pitch elif G_diff >= pitch : G_before -= pitch else : G_before=G_after if B_diff <= -pitch : B_before += pitch elif B_diff >=pitch : B_before -= pitch else : B_before=B_after #print('AFTER : ',R_after,G_after,B_after) print('values =',R_before,G_before,B_before) print('sleep =',time_to_sleep*pitch) print('pitch =',pitch) dmx_send(R_before,G_before,B_before) time.sleep(time_to_sleep*pitch) ## make a chase from red to blue, indefinitely def do_chase(self,speed): intensity = 255 speed = float(speed) while not self.Terminated : self.do_fade(intensity,0,intensity,speed) print("7") print("1") self.do_fade(intensity,0,0,speed) print("2") self.do_fade(intensity,intensity,0,speed) print("3") self.do_fade(0,intensity,0,speed) print("4") self.do_fade(0,intensity,intensity,speed) print("5") self.do_fade(0,0,intensity,speed) print("6") #self.do_fade(intensity,0,intensity,speed) #print("7") if __name__ == "__main__": HOST, PORT = "localhost", 9999 # Create the server, binding to localhost on port 9999 server = SocketServer.TCPServer((HOST, PORT), MyTCPHandler) # Activate the server; this will keep running until you # interrupt the program with Ctrl-C server.serve_forever()
copy client_wrapper.py in this folder :
cp /usr/src/ola-0.7.4/python/examples/client_wrapper.py /srv/dmx/
create a new python file function : ola_send_dmx.py
nano /srv/dmx/ola_send_dmx.py
Writted by David Magniez pubmag at free dot fr