OLA also comes as a bootable image, which can be used with a CD or USB drive to run OLA on almost any machine without modifying the hard drive. This is useful if you just want to test out OLA.
OLA Live CD is based on SliTaz – http://www.slitaz.org – credits to: pankso, Bellard and godane
documentation: http://doc.slitaz.org/en:guides:start
forum: http://forum.slitaz.org/
The .iso image can be found on the downloads page.
You can either burn the .iso image on to a cd or use a USB drive. Instructions for creating bootable USB drivers are here: http://www.webupd8.org/2009/04/4-ways-to-create-bootable-live-usb.html
For Mac:
# Locate the usb drive $ diskutil list # umount and copy, change diskN to the number of your disk above. $ diskutil unmountDisk /dev/diskN $ dd if=/path/to/downloaded.img of=/dev/diskN bs=1m # eject $ diskutil eject /dev/diskN
You’ll probably need to select the boot device when you restart. Follow the instructions for your computer’s bios to see how to do this.
The current images use dhcp to configure networking. Wireless isn’t supported yet.
Log in
OLA runs as user “tux”. There is no password.
to get root use su after logging in as user “tux” – the root password is root
Useful tips
to change from dhcp to a fix IP
log in as root
# mcedit /etc/network.conf
change DHCP=”no” STATIC=”yes” – save and start network new with
# /etc/init.d/network.sh restart